Serve on a Team!
Want to get involved in the life of the church by serving our church family?
If you are a Gospel Partner, then you should be on a Sunday team. Each week as we then gather together on a Sunday,
there are many practical things required.
This includes everything from setting up chairs to welcoming, preparing the cafe and communion. To cover these, every gospel partner of GospelLife helps out. ‘If you are a part of the family, you help with the dishes.’ This means that each gospel partner is added to a Sunday
If you are a Gospel Partner, then you should be on a Sunday team. Each week as we then gather together on a Sunday,
there are many practical things required.
This includes everything from setting up chairs to welcoming, preparing the cafe and communion. To cover these, every gospel partner of GospelLife helps out. ‘If you are a part of the family, you help with the dishes.’ This means that each gospel partner is added to a Sunday
Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see.

Join a Gospel Community
Are you interested in a Gospel Community?
We gather as a church on a Sunday, and then in smaller groups around our city, spend time in the word and fellowship.
We gather as a church on a Sunday, and then in smaller groups around our city, spend time in the word and fellowship.

Prayer Request
Have a need that we could be praying for?
Visit our website!
Come and see

Free Audio Bible
The Dwell Bible App is a perfect way to listen to the Bible on the go. Usually it requires an paid account, although we have a GospelLife account that you can enjoy,.

Resources Podcast
Gospel Partner Form
GC Leader Follow Up Form